Beacon Field Airport®


Historic Airports Immortalized in Stainless Steel !!
 US Route 1 Wall of Aviation

August 2, 2013 -- Dedication of the US Route 1 Wall of Aviation. Plan a visit today! FREE on-street parking (Ladson Lane) adjacent to wall. (click for google mapping)
Friends of Beacon Field Airport were thrilled to be part of the creation of the first ever COSTCO US Route 1 Wall of Aviation that was dedicated in August 2013 at the corner of US Route 1 and Ladson Lane on COSTCO frontage.

At the dedication ceremony, Supervisor McKay noted that this project was very important to the revitalization of the Route 1 Richmond Highway corridor and a focal point for pedestrians.

The stainless steel panels depict the two popular local airfields Hybla Valley Airport and Beacon Field Airport® that operated in the mid-20th century.   Notable personalites E.W. Robertson and H.J. Lehman are bigger than life on this corner monument with accompanying text panels highlighting the history of US1.

Indeed, Supervisor McKay was right,  this area has since experienced a surge in redevelopment and revitalization including US 1 road widening and upgrades.